I Hear Banjo Music

The event was a Baptist Associational Men’s Rally.  This years event was hosted by one of the many rural churches in the association.  Wonderful people there and I have been with a few of the churches over the years.  Well, I was familiar with the community of Zama, MS,  because of a friend I had in college from the community.  Good directions got me there but in route and on my second dirt road, I told Patty that if I heard banjo music I was turning around.  (A little Burt Reynolds humor there).

There were 3 men there when I arrived 2 hours early and as host church members they readily volunteered to help me move things in.  I set up while talking and then, as I glanced up I began chuckling just a bit.  In walks a man and his son, carrying a guitar, mandolin and yes, a banjo.  It seems they were asked to sing and play as part of the program by someone other than the program chairman.  Although unexpected, it was no problem as I made room and helped them get ready.  Everything worked out fine and it was a good night with 80 men from 10 different churches.

I used two different ventriloquism sets, played my horn and sung then challenged the men to be a man that counts for The Lord out of 2Timothy 4.  The men were very gracious and it was a joy and privilege to be part of this annual event!
