Another Child for the Kingdom

It was a special weekend in Foxworth, MS.  Actually about 7.5 or so miles from Foxworth.  This church, through the leadership of pastor Tim and an energetic children’s committee, put together their first kid’s weekend.  For lack of a better term, it was called a Kid’s Revival, but of course we all know that that particular title is not altogether accurate at its very basic level.  After all, we as the children of God, can’t be RE-vived unless we’ve been “Vived” the first time.  The weekend was set up not unlike a 1 day VBS.  Lot’s of activity including different track times and I had an opening worship time and closing.  Then today, I had the privilege to lead the morning worship service, gearing everything toward the family.

At the invitation, one sweet little girl came forward.  The pastor told me he had been talking with her over time and it was a blessing to see her come forward making her decision to follow Christ, public.  We pray that as the Word was spoken this weekend and the seed planted that God will bring it to fruition and more children may make that decision.

I am back in Yazoo City for a bit and as the Lord leads will be here until God directs otherwise.  Thank you for continuing to pray for us as we fulfill His plans.
